Hatha Yoga Classes for Beginners and Mixed Ability Level in Milton Keynes & Northampton
Private Classes or Small Groups
07784 886499
Monday Mixed Ability Class 6:00 - 7:10pm
The Willen pavilion, 28 Portland Dr, Willen, Milton Keynes MK15 9JP
Service Description
You will find this class to be a very friendly environment, allowing to explore and relax. This practice is sure to stretch and work out your overall body in a nicely and slow moving yoga flow targeting the body tightness and releasing while strengthening your lower back and core. The sequence of postures is different from class to class, but always follows a progression that moves from basic to complex. This style of yoga builds heat, flexibility and strength, while maintaining focus on good alignment and sound structure. Postures may be held for longer periods of time, and will flow together to unite the body to the breath and mind. You have to book yourself for this class by completing online form, by clicking 'Book Online' in the right top corner of the main page.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please let me know if you are not going to be able to come
Contact Details
+ 07784886499
To be Confirmed, Milton Keynes, MK12 4YT